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Academic research papers

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Access the latest research findings across scientific domains published by prestigious academic journals, reputable research centres, and esteemed universities worldwide.


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Stay informed on patents, global competitors' intellectual property, discover emerging technologies, and gain competitive intelligence in the patent landscape.

Startups & Investments

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Stay updated on startup & investment news to track emerging companies and investments. Use our startup scouting to identify potential disruptors and collaborators.

Industry news

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Corporate news

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Consumer news

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Stay updated on consumer trends and changing human drivers via consumer blogs, magazines and specific consumer news. Find the latest trends and how they resonate with current and future consumer cohorts to refine strategies.

Macro forces

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Screen the latest news about societal macro forces impacting your business, such as food & agriculture, sustainability, education, health, transport & mobility, climate change, law.

Social issues

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Gain insight into social issues by staying updated with the latest news. Stay connected to societal matters that influence your corporate social responsibility initiatives.


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